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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Read Wikipedia on Mobile Phones through Email

Written by Amit Agarwal

email wikipediaSnapAsk is a useful service that helps you retrieve information from the web via simple email commands. Just send a blank email to with the request in the Subject line and you’ll have the required information the next second. No need to browse the web over a slow connection.

With SnapAsk you can read Wikipedia articles (command: wiki gmail), get latest stock quotes (command: quote GOOG), get latest Yahoo! News on any topic (command: news India Pakistan) or even consult the slang dictionary for word meanings (command: urbandictionary econnoisseur).

While there are other services that let you fetch web pages via email, SnapAsk pulls just the relevant parts and doesn’t require you to know the full web address of a page.

You may also use SnapAsk to get movie timings, flight information, local time, traffic conditions, match scores and latest weather information on your cell phone.


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