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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Apple files Swipe Gestures patent for iPhone keyboard

iphone-swipe_eHHZf_48Apple has already earned itself a name in the mobile phone industry with multi-touch gestures on the iPhone and iPod touch. This time, a new patent application from Apple called Swipe Gestures for Touch Screen Keyboards has been spotted at the U.S. Patent Office. So, it means users will be able to perform functions by swiping across the key area instead of tapping them. Apple cites that the use of swipe gestures on the iPhone’s on-screen keyboard will enrich the user with quick access to common keys. Let’s take a close look at this new patent application. It says that swiping leftward, rightward, upward and downward could be used for inserting a space, backspace, shifting, and inserting a carriage return.

Other than these single swipe gestures, multi-touch swipes (two fingers) could make for other special functions. This is really going to revolutionize the way we use on-screen keyboards. Apple is known for doing things first amongst all and it would be really interesting to see if this new Swipe feature is accepted well by Apple fans.


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