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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hearing Loss - Causes and Symptoms You Should Know

Hearing Loss, also known as Hearing Impairment is described as the decrease in the ability of the ears and its other parts to perceive as well as detect sounds. It can happen either suddenly or gradually.

Hearing loss is commonly observed in older adults but it can happen to anyone regardless of race, age or sex. It can range from being a mild to a severe hearing impairment and it can also be temporary, permanent or reversible.

There are different causes of hearing impairment each with its own different symptoms. It all depends on what type and what part or parts of the auditory system are affected.

1) Conductive Hearing Loss

One type of hearing loss is called conductive hearing loss. This usually happens when sound is not conducted normally through the external ear (either outer ear or middle ear). This type, however, is considered as a mild type of hearing impairment since the inner ear will be able to compensate for the loss. With this type, there will be no apparent problems in hearing as long as the sound is loud enough and audible enough to be heard.

Conductive hearing loss can be the result of ear canal obstruction, abnormalities in the ossicles, tympanic membrane and the superior canal dehiscence syndrome.

2) Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Another type of hearing loss is called sensorineural hearing loss. Unlike conductive type, the affected part is that of the inner ear specifically the cochlea. In the cochlea, there's what we call the organ of Corti that has hair cells. Abnormalities in these hair cells can lead to sensorineural hearing impairment.

Another not-so-common cause of sensorineural is damage in the auditory nerve system. The 8th cranial nerve, also known as the vestibulocochular nerve, is responsible for receiving and interpreting sounds. In very rare cases, this nerve gets damaged which leads to the impairment of the sense of hearing.

In terms of severity, sensorineural type can be classified as mild, moderate or severe. Most often than not, this type can become severe to a point where impairment can lead to total deafness.

3) Environmental Noise

Environmental Noise is one of the leading causes of hearing loss and is known as Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. It has been observed that long-term exposure to environmental noise can be detrimental to the auditory ability of a person. In fact, according to some research, people who live near freeways and airports are more prone to have their ability to hear impaired.

Multimedia devices such as mp3 players are also known to cause Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. It is because headphones and earphones are nearer to the eardrums compared to the standard speakers. If exposed to these kinds of devices for a long time there is a good chance that hearing loss can occur.

4) Genetic

Some people may not know, hearing loss is genetic which means that it can be inherited. This illness is passed through the descendants either through a dominant or a recessive gene. If it involves the dominant gene, deafness can likely happen to at least one relative every generation. If it involves the recessive gene, then it may skip generations but definitely, the risk of acquiring it is still there.

Hearing loss caused by genetics is usually apparent by the time the baby is born. One type of congenital hearing defect is known as Connexin 26 deafness. Other common hearing impairments caused by the dominant gene are Waardenburg syndrome and Stickler syndrome. Hearing impairments caused by the recessive gene are Usher syndrome and Pendred Syndrome.

5) Illnesses

There is also a possibility that it can be caused by the current health condition of a person. It has been noted that measles can cause damage to the auditory nerve that could lead to hearing loss. Another illness that can cause hearing impairment is meningitis that, just like measles, can also damage the auditory nerve.

Illnesses that involve the immune system are also candidates. These illnesses include HIV and AIDS.

6) Medications

Some medications can cause permanent damage to the ears. This is called ototoxicity. The most common group that is known to do this is the aminoglycosides like gentamicin.

There are, however, other medications that may cause temporary hearing loss. This includes NSAIDs, diuretics and even aspirin.

7) Physical Trauma

Physical injury to the ear, especially if some parts of it get damaged, can cause it. However, physical trauma does not only pertain to the ear but also to the whole head. If the head gets hit and the vestibulocochular (auditory nerve system) gets damaged, then hearing impairment is imminent.


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