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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ear Pain and the Best Means For Treatment

Many people, young and old can suffer from ear pain. After all, it is rather a common condition. There are many known causes of ear pain- diseases, conditions, trauma and infections among others. There are direct and indirect causes for the condition. When the cause is direct, it primarily has something to do with the ears. As for indirect causes, the source could be another illness or ailment in which pain in the ears are merely radiated. To determine the best means for treatment, the cause ought to be initially identified. That's often how it is in most cases. So a thorough look on the possible causes of ear pain may be helpful.

For one thing there is trauma such as slapping or the impact of a blunt force on the exterior. The same can be said with excessive picking or loud blast of sounds. As they can possibly cause detriments to the ears, they are best avoided. In this sense, ear care is essential. One must be mindful to stay away from loud and noisy environments, especially when they have no protection. Objects, including cotton swabs should be kept away from the ear canal as well. Certain conditions such as infections, wax build-up and swimmer's ear can cause pain, too. A swimmer's ear is actually when water becomes trapped in the ear thereby causing pain.

As for infections, they may be caused by bacteria. And a foreign object being stuck, cold sores or ulcers, a boil in the canal, a tympanic membrane perforation, they can all lead to ear pain. There is actually a long list of such conditions, and all these mentioned merely scratch the surface. As for underlying conditions or illnesses which lead to ear pain, there is also a long list. They may be periodontal abscess, or perhaps having undergone some dental work. And so it is with other dental disorders. Included in the long list are infections of the throat or the sinus passage way.

And tonsillitis, cancer of the tongue, pharyngitis tumors, and cancer of the larynx or spine. Add among them two skeletal disorders - jaw arthritis and TMJ disorder. Ear popping, also called barotrauma can also instigate referred pain. This can happen when a person goes scuba diving or is involved in air travel. Certain sorts of nerve disorders, they can also cause the condition. And various skin disorders as well, such as dermatitis and eczema. And fluid accumulation, this can lead to the problem. It is often that treatment is dependent on the underlying cause. That's how it often goes with many conditions.

There are cases however when the source cannot be determined, and treatment has to be applied anyway. But as said, all these mentioned about ear pain barely scratch the surface. So when one suffers from it, or when there is ringing in the ears, medical attention should be sought. That way, early treatment can be implemented. And it is best to consult a health professional for such matters. Through this, the most suitable treatment measure can be applied, too. It's all about precaution and care and consulting those who are most knowledgeable when it comes to ailments and diseases. One can then be spared from a whole lot of discomfort, health havoc and trouble.


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